Pay In 4

Interest Free, Accessible Certification

At Mother Nourish Nurture, accessibility and affordability are key.

By opting for a payment plan, you'll be able to spread the cost of the Pediatric Sleep and Development Practitioner Certification across four manageable payments.

Subscribing to the plan is simple, and all payments are interest-free.

How It Works...

  • Four Equal Installments

    Subscribe to spread the cost of the certification over four equal payments.

  • 4 x Payments

    Payments are made every month allowing for easier budgeting.

  • First Payment at Checkout

    Start your journey with your first payment at checkout.

  • Three Additional Payments

    The remaining three payments are made over the next 3 periods.

Easy and Hassle-Free

  • Stay Up To Date

    You’ll receive an order confirmation email to confirm each installment.

  • Interest-Free

    The payment plan is interest-free, making it affordable and accessible.

  • No Extra Apps or Signups

    There's no need for additional apps or sign-ups. Simply add the payment plan to your cart and you're good to go!

  • Immediate Access

    Gain full access to the course as soon as it's launched.

PSAD Certification Feedback

Take a look at what PSAD students saying about the program!

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews

Love the course. It's so easy to come and go between lessons so thank you for an easy set up for a busy mum!


Not only am I absolutely in love with the PSAD course - the science backed info, the gentle help… all of it - but I've implemented it for my 13 month old who has been up 4-10 times a night her entire life, and she's slept 7.30pm-5am - quick feed and back to sleep. My rested mom brain is so full of gratitude. I just can't wait to help other moms.


Packed with great info to help you support families with sleep. I found it easy to work through the course and the guest speakers were great. The business section was also helpful and gave me confidence in what I could do to help support parents.


I literally cried listening to Guest Speaker Dr Greer Kirshenbaum after module 2. Not only has this course given me the foundations to support families, but it feels like therapy and a great check in for myself as a mum. It fits so seamlessly to the mum I continue to strive to be!


To say this course has changed me would be an understatement, as an RN I just assumed I would be able to transition to motherhood seamlessly but with two highly sensitive babies who required lots of support for sleep I thought I was doing something wrong. It triggered a PPA diagnosis but sparked a passion for learning about biologically normal sleep/development and to support other families. Thank you for this course, it has truly been more than I expected!

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