While some babies love the rhythmic, sensory experience of car rides, others will cry from the minute they're placed into their seat.
Let's unpack five steps that make car rides easier for the whole family...
1. Consider switching from a bucket style seat, to a convertible seat
This can make a huge difference, as the ‘L' shape of a convertible seat applies less tension to baby’s body than the ‘C’ shape of the bucket.
2. Consider bodywork
Anecdotally, there’s a big overlap between babies with oral ties/restrictions and babies who HATE car travel. Tension and misalignment don’t mix well with car seats, so incorporating some baby massage and/or professional bodywork care into your routine can make a big difference.
3. Comfort check
Check that baby isn’t too hot/cold/hungry/gassy etc. It seems obvious, but ensuring any gas is relieved *before* setting off on a journey will improve baby’s comfort and make the drive so much easier on everyone.
4. Bridge the separation
Using in-car mirrors so that baby can see you, and/or bridging the separation and easing any associated anxiety through your voice can make a big difference.
5. Soothe and distract
Special car toys (these don’t have to be fancy!) and soothing music can help.
Time is on your side when it comes to car rides. Overall, the older children get, the more road trips are likely to be tolerated, and dare I say it...enjoyed!
Easier journeys are ahead!